FPSC Junior Admin Officer in Ministry of Defence Solved Past Paper 2000
A past paper is an examination paper from a previous year or previous years, usually used either for exam practice or for tests. Exam candidates find past papers valuable in test preparation. Solved FPSC Past Paper for the recruitment of Junior Admin Officer (BS-16) in Ministry of Defence held in 2000 by Federal Public Service commission one paper mcqs exams past paper.
This test includes Synonyms & Antonyms, Direct Indirect, Pair of Words, Idioms, Active Passive Voice from English, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs, Mathematics, Computer Sciences mcqs.
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2. FPSC Junior Admin Officer Past Paper – 1
1. The hottest planet is:
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2. FPSC Junior Admin Officer Past Paper – 1
(A) Mercury
(B) Venus ✓
(C) Jupiter
(D) Saturn
2. When Pakistan became Islamic Republic?
(A) 1956 ✓
(B) 1954
(C) 1962
(D) 1973
3. Who headed the Simla Deputation?
(A) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(B) Muhammad All Jauher
(C) Nawab Salim Ullah of Dhaka
(D) Sir Agha Khan ✓
4. When the Simla Conference held?
(A) 1945 ✓
(B) 1942
(C) 1940
(D) 1905
5. Who made the “National Mohammadon Association”?
(A) Justice Amir Ali ✓
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) Maulana Shaukat Ali
(D) None
6. Which country is the member of NATO?
(A) Kuwait
(B) Pakistan
(C) Egypt
(D) Turkey ✓
7. Who was the founder of M.S.F?
(A) Quaid-i-Azam
(B) Hamid Nazami ✓
(C) Hakim Ajmal
(D) Sir Agha Khan
8. When Pakistan became the member of NAM?
(A) 1979 ✓
(B) 1977
(C) 1975
(D) 1974
9. PANAMA canal connects:
(A) Red Sea – black sea
(B) Atlantic Ocean – India Ocean
(C) Pacific – Atlantic ✓
(D) Arabian – Dead Sea
10. When Pakistan became the member of CENTO?
(A) 1954
(B) 1955 ✓
(C) 1956
(D) 1979
11. Smallest river is:
(A) Chinab
(B) Satluj
(C) Jehlum
(D) Ravi ✓
12. Which is the oldest Holy Book?
(A) Trait ✓
(B) Zabur
(C) Injeel
(D) Quran Pak
13. Objective Resolution was passed by Constituent Assembly in:
(A) 1948
(B) 1949 ✓
(C) 1947
(D) 1951
14. When Quaid-i-Azam resigned from the Imperial Legislative Council?
(A) 1917
(B) 1919 ✓
(C) 1920
(D) 1921
15. Quaid-i-Azam continued his dual membership of congress and Mulsim League for the period of:
(A) 5 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 7 years ✓
(D) None
16. When did Quaid-i-Azam leave congress?
(A) 1919
(B) 1920 ✓
(C) 1921
(D) 1925
17. Mistress of the sea is:
(A) Spain
(B) Britain ✓
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Japan
18. In Pakistan, one child dies after every:
(A) minute
(B) hour ✓
(C) week
(D) month
19. In Pakistan bicameral government system was introduced in:
(A) 1973 ✓
(B) 1947
(C) 1955
(D) 1962
20. When women joined Muslim League?
(A) 1937 ✓
(B) 1940
(C) 1947
(D) 1936
21. Which is called crescent city?
(A) Vatican City ✓
(B) New Orealons
(C) Paris
(D) London
22. Pirpur report was presented by:
(A) Mohan Lal Karm Chand Gandhi
(B) Allama Iqbal (RA)
(C) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA)
(D) Raja Mahmood Mehndi ✓
23. Sindh was separated from Bombey:
(A) 1929
(B) 1935 ✓
(C) 1945
(D) 1930
24. Longest tenure of the viceroy:
(A) Lord Curzon
(B) Lord Ripen
(C) Lord Linlithgow ✓
(D) Lord Elgin
25. Durend Line was settled in:
(A) 1895
(B) 1893 ✓
(C) 1849
(D) 1903
FPSC Junior Admin Officer Past Paper – 2
26. Last Governor of the undivided Punjab was”:
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Sir Even Jenkins ✓
(c) Sir Francis Maudi
(d) None of the above
27. How many women are being died during birth of a child every year in Pakistan?
(A) 40,000
(B) 30,000 ✓
(C) 10,000
(D) 5000
28. Total length of coastline of Pakistan?
(A) 300 miles
(B) 400 miles
(C) 500 miles
(D) 650 miles ✓
29. From women, who seconded “The Lahore Resolution”?
(A) Begum Shah Nawaz
(B) Begum Muhammad Ali Jauher ✓
(C) Begum Salma Tassadiq Hussain
(D) Fatima Jinnah
30. Diabetes is caused by malfunctioning of:
(A) Liver
(B) Pancreas ✓
(C) Stomach
(D) lungs
31. The” most prominent symptom of juandice is:
(A) loss of hair
(D) lungs pain
(C) yellowish skin ✓
(D) blackish skin
32. Polio is caused by:
(A) Virus ✓
(B) Bacteria
(C) Tapeworm
(D) None
33. Hepatitus is caused by:
(A) Bacteria
(B) Virus ✓
(C) Protozoan
(D) Wring worm
34. Blood pressure is measured by:
(A) Barometer
(B) Galvanometer
(C) Sphyngomanometer ✓
(D) Votometer
35 The planet nearest to earth is:
(A) Jupiter
(B) Pluto
(C) Venus ✓
(D) Neptune
36. The proposed kalabagh dam would be constructed on the river:
(A) Jhelum
(B) Indus ✓
(C) Gomal
(D) Kurram
37. Warsak dam was built in 1960 on river:
(A) Dasht
(B) Indus
(C) Kabul ✓
(D) Jhelum
38. The Ravi river originates in the Indian state of:
(A) Orissa
(B) Hamachel Pardesh ✓
(C) Andra
(D) Utter Pardesh
39. The archaeological site “Kot Diji” is located near the city of:
(A) Larkana
(B) Thatta
(C) Khairpur ✓
(D) Swat
40. Nanga Parbat peak is situated in:
(A) Himalayas ✓
(B) Karakoram
(C) Hindu kush
(D) Suleman Range
41. Which part of the world is called, “Playground of Europe”?
(A) Norway
(B) Germany
(C) Switzerland ✓
(D) Poland
42. Identify the coldest planet:
(A) Neptune ✓
(B) Venus
(C) Jupiter
(D) Mars
43. Jerusalem is a holy city for:
(A) Muslims
(B) Jews
(C) Christians
(D) All of above ✓
44. Pakistan coldest place is:
(A) Ziarat ✓
(B) Quetta
(C) Gilgit
(D) Murree
45. Who invented safety pin:
(A) Walter Hunt ✓
(B) Samuel Miller
(C) John Ericsson
(D) Patrick Bell
46. Shilling is the currency of:
(A) Kenya ✓
(B) Sudan
(C) Sweden
(D) Italy
47. Peso is the currency of:
(A) Nepal
(B) Cuba ✓
(C) Malawi
(D) Malta
48. The continent which has only one race?
(A) Europe
(B) Africa
(C) Australia
(D) North America
49. When Bangladesh became the member of UNO?
(A) 1971
(B) 1974
(C) 1973 ✓
(D) 1972
50. Desht-e-Lut desert is located in?
(A) Iraq
(B) Iran ✓
(C) Turkmenistan
(D) Afghanistan
Past Paper English – 3
(A) Obedience
(B) Suspended action ✓
(C) Excitement
(D) Discussion
52. ABSTINENCE (to avoid):
(A) Vulgar display
(B) Deportment (behaviour)
(C) Reluctance
(D) Restrained eating or drinking ✓
(A) Agreement (act of agreeing) ✓
(B) Ambition
(C) Confinement
(D) Pride
(A) Manicure
(B) Pollute
(C) Ride ✓
(D) Assemble
55. LAMPOON (ridicule)
(A) Darken
(B) Praise ✓
(C) Abandon
(D) Sail
56. VAGARY (whim, a strange or sudden change that is difficult to predict)
(A) Unchanged ✓
(B) Caprice
(C) Tramp
(D) Arrogant
57. SQUANDER (to waste)
(A) Fortify
(B) Depart (go away)
(C) Preserved (keep safe) ✓
(D) Roam
58. Modem architecture has discarded the trimming on buildings and has concentrated on an almost Greek simplicity of line
(A) Flamboyant ✓
(B) Austere
(C) Inconspicuous
(D) Aesthetic, concerning beauty in art
(E) Derivative
59. If you are seeking that will resolve all our ailments, you are undertaking an impossible task.
(A) A precedent
(B) A panacea ✓
(C) An abstraction (state of being abstracted)
(D) A direction
(E) A contrivance
60. Choose the word with correct spellings,
(A) Accomodation
(B) Acommodation
(C) Accommodation ✓
(D) Acomadetion
61. Choose the word with correct spellings:
(A) begnning
(B) beginning ✓
(C) begining
(D) beginning
62. Select the vyord which has correct spellings:
(A) Secretariate
(B) Secrartariate
(C) Secretariat ✓
(D) Secretariate
63. To clip the wings, means:
(A) To limit on ✓
(B) to catch the bird
(C) To cut the wings of a bird
(D) to control hair
64. To cut the cake.
(A) To do impossible
(B) to make use of time ✓
(C) To celebrate the birthday
(D) to divide the cake into two parts
65. Hit the road:
(A) To go abroad
(B) to sit in the road
(C) To run on the road
(D) To start journey ✓
66. Flex the muscle
(A) To stretch the muscle
(B) To show authority ✓
(C) Take heavy exercise
(D) To lift up something
67. Keep tabs on:
(A) To follow strictly
(B) To do something
(C) To keep under observation ✓
(D) To steal something
68. Mixed feelings.
(A) Romantic feelings
(B) Not clear feelings ✓
(C) Hateful feelings
(D) To have some good and bad feelings about someone
69. He is himself to himself, means.
(A) Not like to talk with others ✓
(B) To remain silent
(C) To limit one’s feelings
(D) To be proud of oneself
70. x + x + x =?
(A) 3X ✓
(B) X3
(C) 3×3
(D) X2 + x
71. If 2x = 32 then x = ?
(A) 5 ✓
(B) 6
(C) 4
(D) 16
72. /256
(A) 17
(B) 14
(C) 16 ✓
(D) 128
73. x + 6 = 7 then x = ?
(A) 13
(B) 1 ✓
(C) 7/6
(D) 13 x
74. 1 metre is equal to
(A) 102mm
(B) 103mm ✓
(C) 104mm
(D) 105mm
75 23×50 =
(A) 30
(B) 40
(C) 8 ✓
(D) 6
FPSC Junior Admin Officer Past Paper – 4
76. 144/1.2
(A) 13
(B) 12 ✓
(C) 14
(D) 22
77. Find the missing letter
3 5 7…….13 17
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 11 ✓
(D) 12
78. Provide the missing
8 4 32 7 5
(A) 33
(B) 11
(C) 17
(D) 35 ✓
79. Who developed algebra?
(A) Muhammad ibn Musa Khawarizmi ✓
(B) Ibn Sina
(C) Euclid
(D) Jabir ibn Hayyan
80. Which Muslim country has recognized Chechnya as an independent Muslim state?
(A) Iran
(B) Saudi Arabia
(C) Afghanistan ✓
(D) Uzbekistan
81. Which of the following event did not occur during Ramadan?
(A) Battle of Badar
(B) Battle of Uhad ✓
(C) Battle of the Trench
(D) Conquest of Makkah
82. In which year did the Muslims fight their first naval battle?
(A) 2 A.H
(B) 13 A.H
(C) 31 A.H ✓
(D) 67 A.H
83. In what year did Sayyidna Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, accept Islam?
(A) 616 CE ✓
(B) 608 CE
(C) 634 CE, 13 AH
(D) 644 CE, 23 AH
84. The Holy Qur’an is generally printed in:
(A) Nastaliq script ✓
(B) Kufi script
(C) Naskh script
(D) Shikasta script
85. Imam Bukhari hailed from:
(A) Malaysia
(B) India
(C) Egypt
(D) Turkestan ✓
86. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) while immigrating to Madina took refuge in:
(A) Cave Hira
(B) Cave Thaur ✓
(C) Dar-i-Arqam
(D) Masjid-i-Nabawa
87. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) visited Ghar-i-Hira for:
(A) Recitation
(B) Memorization
(C) Meetings
(D) Meditation/Tahanuth ✓
88. The Najashi King of Habasha with whom the Muslims for the first time took refuge was a:
(A) Jew
(B) Hindu
(C) Christian ✓
(D) Mushnk
89. The duration of social boycott of Muslims in Shi-b abi Talib was for:
(A) 10 Years
(B) 5 Years
(C) 3 Years ✓
(D) 8 Years
90. Sulh-i Hudibiyya was written by
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(B) Hazrat Ali ✓
(C) Hazrat Umar
(D) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
91. In a photographic camera fitted with a convex lens, which of the following types of images will be formed on the film?
(A) Erect and real
(D) Inverted and real
(C) Imaginary and erect
(D) The type of image formed will depend on the distance between the lens and the object. ✓
92. In the year 14,000 A D., due to the earth’s precession, the axis of rotation of earth will point towards:
(A) Proxima Centauri
(B) Pole star
(C) Vega ✓
(D) None of these
93. As the temperature of water rises gradually, its surface tension
(A) goes on increasing
(B) goes on decreasing ✓
(C) is not affected and remains unchanged
(D) increases only when the heat is too intense.
94. The density of a solid and that of a liquid, in which it is to be immersed, is the same. On immersion, its apparent weight will be reduced to
(A) half
(B) one-third
(C) one-quarter ✓
(D) zero
95. A fresh egg sinks in pure water whereas it floats in-saturated salty water. This is due to
(A) the higher density of the salty water ✓
(B) the higher density of the pure water
(C) the fluid matter inside the egg-shell
(D) the fact that the egg-shell is made of calcium which is heavier than pure water
96. The planet between Earth and Mercury is:
(A) Venus ✓
(B) Mars
(C) Jupiter
(D) Neptune
97. Can you name the three planets of the Solar system which have no satellites?
(A) Neptune
(B) Mercury
(C) Venus
(D) Both B & C ✓
98. The velocity of sound is largest in
(A) Air
(B) Water
(C) Steel rod ✓
(D) Kerosene
99. A sextant is used to measure:
(A) volume of the buildings
(B) area of hill
(C) height of an object ✓
(D) the breadth of a tower
100. Which of the following air carries no moisture?
(A) dry air ✓
(B) warm air
(C) cool air
(D) icy wind
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