Caretaker Lahore High Court Solved Past Papers 2019
Test of Caretaker Lahore High Court included mcqs from Computer and MS Office, Synonyms & Antonyms, Direct Indirect, Pair of Words, Idioms, Active Passive Voice from English, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs, Mathematics mcqs, etc.
- In a one Kilometre race A beats B by I 28 meters in 7 seconds. Find out the* time taken by A to finish the race.
(A) 4 mins 3 secs
(B) 3 mins 4 secs
(C) 5 mins
(D) 4 mins 20 secs
- International Court of Justice is located in ______ city.
(A) Paris
(B) Luxembourg
(C) Brussels
(D) The Hague
- The Light House of Alexandria’ was among the seven wonders of the world. It is located in:
(A) Turkey
(B) Egypt
(C) Greece
(D) Italy
- Which of the following functions as the central bank of Pakistan?
- Meteorology is the science of:
(A) Weather
(B) Earth
(C) Metal
(D) Earthquake
- User developed instructions for Excel are called:
(A) Programs
(B) Macros
(C) Procedures
(D) All of these
- Ankara is the Capital of:
(A) Greece
(B) Egypt
(C) Cyprus
(D) Turkey
- In which city is the Eiffel Tower located?
(A) Paris
(B) Vienna
(C) Lyon
(D) Pisa
- An Interim Government was formed in India in 1946. Who was nominated as its Prime Minister?
(A) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) LordWavell
(C) LiaquatAli Khan
(D) None of these
- The 1970 elections in East Pakistan were swept by:
(C) AL
(D) Jl
- Name the political party launched by Air MarshalAsghar Khan in 1970?
(A) Pakistan Democratic Party
(B) Justice Party of Pakistan
(C) Tehreek-e-lnsaf
(D) Tehreek-e-lstaqlal
- Which of the following districts of Punjab are the main cotton growing areas?
(A) Gujranwala, Sheikhupura Sialkot
(B) Vehari.-Multan, Bahawalpur
(C) Faisalabad, Jhang, Sargodha
(D) Chakwal, Jhelum, Rawalpindi
- What is LINUX?
(A) A Malware
(B) An Operating System
(C) An Application Program
(D) An Anti Virus
- The capital city of China is:
(A) Shanghai
(B) Shenzhen
(C) Tianjin
(D) Beijing
- If 3/11 of a number is 22, what is 6/11 of that number?
(A) 6
(B) 12
(C) 33
(D) 44
- The Span Valley is the site of an ancient civilization and is situated in:
(A) Baluchistan plateau
(B) Pothohar Plateau
(C) Azad Kashmir
(D) Northern Areas
- Amjad Sabri, assassinated on 22 June 2016, was son of Ghulam Fareed Sabri. Name the brother of Ghulam Fareed Sabri, with whom he formed one of the most famous Qawwal party in Pakistan?
(A) Maqbool Sabri
(B) Raziuddin Sabri
(C) Ayaz Sabri
(D) Rahat Sabri
- In MS Word, what is the function of ‘CTRL+R’?
(A) Open the printdialogue
(B) Update the current web page
(C) Close the current window
(D) Right Align the text
- A compact disc that can be written, read many times, erased and written again is called:
- Uch Sharif’s most famous monument is the tomb of:
(A) Bibi Jawindi
(B) Nawab Salahuddin Abbasi
(C) Maulvi Barkhudar
(D) Shams Tabrezi
- Which of the following combination of keys is used to close active window?
(A) CTRL + F1
(B) CTRL + F2
(C) CTRL + F3
(D) CTRL + F4
- After America the largest numbers of Nobel Laureates are from:
(A) United Kingdom
(B) Germany
(C) France
(D) Switzerland
- The 10th BRIGS Summit in July 2018 took place in:
(A) Russia
(B) China
(C) South America
(D) South Africa
- The world’s largest salt water lake is:
(A) Baikal
(B) Superior
(C) Caspian Sea
(D) None of these
- 18th Amendment in 1973 Constitution stripped the powers of:
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Presidents
(C) Chief Executive
(D) Chairman NAB
- Which of the following novels was written by the famous writer of Pakistani origin, Bapsi Sidhwa?
(A) Moth Smoke
(B) A Suitable Boy
(C) Crow Eaters
(D) Exploding Mangoes
- Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pehlavi was ousted from power by a revolution in the year:
(A) 1976
(B) 1977
(C) 1978
(D) 1979
- 18 is 75% of which value?
(A) 34
(B) 24
(C) 22
(D) 20
- In computing, what does BICS stand for?
(A) Basic Input ✓Output System
(B) Binary Jnput ✓Output System
(C) Basic Internet ✓Output System
(D) Broad Internet ✓Output System
- Computer software company “Microsoft” located in:
(A) Spain
(B) U.S.A.
(C) Japan
(D) Italy
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