Hey Guys, Today in this article we are going to give you the List of Most Useful Everyday Science Mcqs, which will help you a lot to crack any desired Job in Pakistan.
We have collected all the data and we have tried to provide you the best information related to Everyday Science MCQs with answers. In this post, you can easily get the basic to advanced level information related to Everyday Science Mcqs and their answers so that you can get the maximum benefit from these MCQs. The list down below of Everyday Science related MCQS will help you for the preparation of CSS, PMS, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC and other competitive exams of Pakistan.
- Which is the outermost planet in the solar system? Neptune
- The SI unit of charge is? Coulomb
- Wavelength of very High Frequency (VHF) IS ? shorter
- Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens? vonvex
- For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________? Increase
- The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days? 20
- The density of water is __________? 1 g/cm3
- Radioactivity was discovered by __________? Bacquerel
- The Sun is a __________? Star
- The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters? 5
- The most abundant element in the universe is __________? Hydrogen
- The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is ______? Oxygen
- Each day human body breathe in ____ liters of air ? 15,000 to 20,000
- The SI unit of “pressure” is _________? pascal
- The most densest substance on the Earth is ________? Osmium
- A camera uses a __________ to form an image? convex lens
- CNG stands for? Compressed Natural Gas
- Which from the following is true for “Sound”? Sound cannot travel through a vaccum
- When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into _______ colours? 6
- trument used for measuring very high temperature is __________.? Pyrometer
- Sound waves are _________ waves? Longitudinal
- The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s)? 1
- The fluid part of blood is known as __________? plasma
- X-rays were discovered by __________? Rontgen
- The speed of light is __________? 300,000 km/s
- In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last? Sea water
- The nearest planet to the Earth is _________? Venus.
- The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is? Mercury
- In general, Comets have __________ orbits? Highly elliptical
- Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________? Loss of Electrons
- Urine is produced in __________? Kidneys
- Blood is cleaned by __________? Kidneys
- The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is? Venus
- According to the Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago? 10 – 20
- The biosensor is used to measure? Blood glucose level
- Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is? E = mc2
- The SI unit of electric current is? Ampere
- For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential.? Fluorine
- The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is? 03%
- Diamond is an allotropic form of? Carbon
- The SI unit of Heat is? Joule
- The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is? Nitrous Oxide
- The energy value of food is measured in? Joule
- Water covers __________ of the Earth’s surface? 70%
- The fourth state of matter is? Plasma
- The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called? Rectifier
- The interior structure of the Earth is divided into ________ layers? 5
- We live on the Earth’s? Crust
- The thickest layer of the Earth is? Mantle
- The Earth’s crust ranges from ________ km in depth.? 5-70
- The anode is the electrode connected to the ________ terminal of a battery? Positive
- 1 tonne = ________ kg? 1000
- The normal temperature of the body is? 4 degree
- Weakest bone is? clavicle bone
- Hardest bone is? collar bone
- The hardest part of the body is? tooth
- Most abundant element in the human body is carbon? Oxygen or calcium
- Systole is heart? contraction
- Eye is filled with ________ liquids? two
- The femur is the longest? bone
- Head or skull has? 29 bones
- Total bones are? 206
- Universal donor group is-O group
- Life span of red blood cells is? 120 days.
- The pH of the normal human body is Arteries? 4.
- The Black Mamba is the fastest? Snake
- New Zealand is close to Int? Date Line.
- Temperature at earth’s core is? 2000 deg: C
- Sun is 400 times larger than the? Moon
- When are you most likely to see a penumbra? During an Eclipse.
- A wind which reverses seasonally is? Wind
- Oceans are on average? 4 km deep.
- Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength? Gamma rays
- All electromagnetic waves have the same? Speed in vacuum
- . The reflection of sound is called? Echo
- An instrument used to measure electric current is called? Ammeter
- The SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is? Kelvin
- The shortest distance between crest to crest is called? Wavelength
- The speed of sound is fastest in? Gasses
- . The branch of science which study the interaction between matter and radian energy is called? Spectroscopy
- . The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called? Periods
- The vertical columns of the periodic table are called? Groups
- Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature? Mercury
- Which non-metallic element is liquid at room temperature? Bromine
- Battery charger converts electrical energy into ___energy? Chemical
- A loudspeaker changes ________ energy into sound energy? Electrical.
- The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are? North and south pole
- When gas is ionized, ________ forms. ? Plasma
- Wind is caused by? Difference in atmospheric pressure
- Wind speed is measured by? Anemometer
- The fact that universe is expanding was discovered by? Hubble
- X-rays were discovered by? Roentgen
- The Nobel prize in physics for the discovery of the law of photoelectric effect was awarded to? Einstein
- The symbol of gold is? Au
- Plaster of Paris is produced by heating? Gypsum
- Which from the following is NOT true about Helium gas? Toxic
- Which is the largest excretory organ of the body? skin
- The brain is enclosed in a bony case called? cranium
- Which is the bone that is present in forelimb? radius
- Which one is herbivore? cow
- Which structure helps in transport of water in plants ? xylem
- The organisms that can make their own food are called ? producers
- Bacteria are ? prokaryotes
- Bile juice is secreted by? gall bladder
- DNA structure was first described by? Watson and Crick
- Pollination is best defined as the transfer of pollen from an anther to? stigma
- Movement of the cell against concentration gradient is called ? active transport.
- One of the following is not a function of bones protein ? synthesis
- Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their ? root hairs
- Highly intelligent mammals are ? dolphin
- Process of cell division take place by mitosis.
- Pulses are a good source of ? proteins
- Plants that grow in dry habitat are called ? xerophytes
- The simplest amino acid is ? glycine
- Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to ? mental retardation
- The life and activities of a cell is controlled by? nucleus
- Flagella are composed of ? microtubules
- Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallized by ? Stanely
- Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as ? virions
- Gram +ve bacteria on treatment with crystal violet dye give colour? purple
- Malarial parasite is injected into man as ? sporozoites
- The terms procariotique and eucariotique were proposed by ? Chatton
- The most common type of asexual reproduction in the fungi is? spore production
- Outside the thallus of Marchantia there are special structures called ? rhizoids
- The vascular plants are termed as? tracheophytes
- In human beings influenza is caused by? virus
- In many which phylum the body of organisms is usually divided in? three regions
- called head, thorax, and abdomen? arthropods
- . Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called ? pseudopodia
- In all coelenterates, endoderm give rise to? digestive system
- Higher vascular plants are also called ? seed plants
- The plants which produce embryo but lack vascular tissues and seeds are placed in ? bryophytes
- Which bone is called beauty bone in women ? clavicle
- Detachment of myosin head and actin in rigor mortis occurs due to ? autolysis in body
- Release of the ovum from the ovary is called? ovulation
- The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the? amniotic fluid
- Rich source of energy in seimen is? glucose
- Sickle cell anemia was discovered by ? Vernon Ingram
- Kangaroo has an abdominal pouch known as ? marsupial
- The utilization of the products of digestion is called? assimilation
- Parabronchi are present in ? birds
- The respiratory problem most common in smokers is? emphysema
- Water potential of pure water is? zero
- Bean-shaped cells in plants are ? guard cells
- The normal pH of human blood is ? 4
- Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is? plasmolysis
- Atherosclerosis is a major condition leading to? heart attack
- Villi and microvilli increase ? absorption
- Splitting of glucose relates to? glycolysis
- . Reptiles hibernate during? winter
- Which of the following plants are called arthrophytes? sphenopsids
- Radio carbon dating is used to find the age of? Fossils
- Seismology is the science of ? Earthquakes
- The source of solar energy is ? Nuclear energy
- fan object is placed midway between two parallel plane mirrors facing each other, then the number of images that appear in mirrors is? Infinite
- In a vacuum , What will be common among X rays visible light, radio waves ? Amplitude
- Barometer is used to measure? Atmospheric pressure
- If u use a microscope to watch smoke particles in still air, you will see them moving about all the time. This phenomenon is called? Brownian movement
- The mass of a neutron is approximate? Equal to the mass of a proton
- The spherical shape of raindrops is due to ? Atmospheric friction of air
- Galvanometer is an instrument For measuring currents of small? magnitude
- Which of the following has highest frequency? Gamma rays
- Most important effect of moon on earth is that? Gives light
- The term ” Meteor” is applied to an interplanetary body, After it enters the earth? atmosphere
- Newton`s rings are Coloured rings observed around the point of contact of a ? convex lens
- The heat recieved by earth from the sun is known as? Solar radiation
- onstellation is Configuration of fixed stars? resembling a figure
- Which of the following part of the atmosphere is nearest to the earth? Troposphere
- To an astronaut in space sky looks ? Black
- Water is heated in a kettle. The inside water is heated by convection. A person sitting near the fire receives heat by ?Convection
- A time can come when we will be able to design a machine which can go on working for ever without the expenditure of energy. Is it possible ? No
- Light year is a unit of ? Distance
- Three elements needed for the healthy growth of plants are ? N, P, K
- Copper can be converted into gold by ? Artificial Radioactivity
- In winter an iron pipe feel colder than a wooden window, This is because wood is ? non-Conductor
- The echo (reflected sound) will be distinctly heard only at ordinary temperatures if the distance of the reflecting surfaces from the source of sound is at least ? 56fft
- It is possible to recognize a person in the dark by simply hearing his unique voice . It is because of the? pitch
- When a ray of sunlight enters a dark room, its straight path becomes visible because of dust particles hanging in the air. It is because the light is? Visible
- A six feet tall lady wants to see her full image in a plane mirror. The minimum length of the mirror will be? 3 feet
- The principle used in radar is the same as that of Sonar. In radar we use radio waves whereas in sonar we use? Ultrasonic
- a fission nuclear reaction, a heavy nucleus breaks up into smaller nuclei whereas in another nuclear reaction two or more than two possibly nuclei are fused to form a heavy nucleus This nuclear reaction is called ? Fusion nuclear reaction
- Parsec is a unit of ? Distance
- German Silver is an alloy of ? Cu + Ni
- The Continent Antarctica lies at the? South pole
- The temperature of the dead body is? the temperature of the place where it is kept
- Lactometer is a type of Hydrometer which is used to measure the specific gravity of ? Milk
- The deepest place on earth is ? Mariana Trench
- Twinkling of stars is caused by ? refraction of light
- Magnifying power of a simple microscope can be increased by ? the increasing focal length of the lens
- What is the approxiate mean distance that separates the sun from the earth? 1480,00,000 km
- The outer surface of the sun is called ? Photosphere
- Which planet has the maximum number of satellites? Jupiter
- What is a light year? The distance traveled by light in 1 year.
- What are asteroids? Very small planet revolving around the sun
- What is the temperature at the center of the sun? 20 million k
- The phase of the moon are partially the result of the? Revolution of the moon about the earth
- Astronomers cannot be nominated for the? Noble Prize.
- Modern Bicycle was invented? by Staley.
- Coulomb is the unit of? Electric Charge.
- The fat content in buffalo milk is? 10%
- The large plates of solar panels are painted? Black.
- The major component of honey is? Glucose.
- Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in? rickets
- Digestion of food is completed in the? small intestine
- Wind energy is the _____energy? Kinetic
- One of the countries through which equator passes is____? Kenye
- https://mcqsnotes.com/justquote/quotations/10-most-beautiful-motivational-quotes-with-images/
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