A past paper is an examination paper from a previous year or previous years, usually used either for exam practice or for tests. Exam candidates find past papers valuable in test preparation. PPSC Past Paper for the recruitment of Junior Clerk (BS-11) in Service and General Administration Department (S&GAD), Civil Secretariat, Govt of the Punjab held in 2018 by Punjab Public Service commission one paper mcqs exams past paper.
This test includes Synonyms & Antonyms, Direct Indirect, Pair of Words, Idioms, Active Passive Voice from English, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Pak Affairs, Mathematics, Computer Sciences mcqs.
Service and General Administration
Department (S&GAO) 2018
81. A sport in which two competitors fight using “rapier-style” swords, winning points by making contact with their opponent is called:
(A) Equestrian
(B) Fencing
(C) Canoe-slalom
(D) Triathlon
82. In the 16 century Argentina was colonized by:
(A) Germany
(B) Spain
(C) Britain
(D) France
83. Danish War was fought in:
(A) 1870
(B) 1864
(C) 1872
(D) 1860
84. The equity of health, human capital, environmental quality, social protection and food security are the contents covered under the concept of:
(A) Inclusive Growth
(B) UN Human Rights
(D) Aggregate Factor Inputs
85. A man who blew himself after throwing grenade at U.S. Embassy in the capital of Montenegro on Feb. 23, 2018 was reviling:
(B) Warsaw Pact
86. World Health Organization Headquarter is in:
(A) Paris
(B) Geneva
(C) Washington
(D) Buenos Aires
87. As a part of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I the ILO was created in:
(A) 1919
(B) 1920
(c) 1921
(D) 1922
88. Headquarter of the World Trade Organization is in:
(A) Geneva
(B) Zurich
(C) Canton of Vaud
(D) London
89. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by:
(A) Muhammad Bin Saud
(8) Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz
(C) Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz
(D) None of these
90. On US and British move against Pakistan’s so-called failure to block financing terrorists, the Financial Action Task Force in its meeting held in
February this year has decided:
(A) Not to declare it’guilty.
(B) To give it exemption
(C) To reconsider the matter later
(D) To declare it guilty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 100 MCQS FOR POST OF Lecturers past papers 2015
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