A past paper is an examination paper from a previous year or previous years, usually used either for exam practice or for tests. Exam candidates find past papers valuable in test preparation. PPSC Past Paper Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (BS-17) conducted by Punjab Public Service commission in 2016 one paper mcqs exams past paper.
26. Which section of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 deals with effect of cancellation of registration?
(A) 49
(B) 51
(C) 53
(D) 67
27. By Laws may be by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the society
(A) Made
(B) Altered
(C) Abrogated
(D) All of these
28. Who is the highest ranked officer at divisional level in cooperative society department?
(A) Registrar cooperative society
(B) Joint registrar cooperative society
(C) Circle registrar cooperative society
(D) Deputy registrar cooperative society
29. The field officer in cooperative society department is
(A) Inspector cooperative society
(B) Sub-inspector cooperative society
(C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(D) None of these
30. IFFCO and KRIBHCO are the examples of
(C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b*
(D) None of these
31. A cooperative society can be formed as per the provisions of the cooperative societies Act
(A) 1897
(B) 1912
(C) 1925
(D) 1927
32. Lockhurst Lane industrial cooperative society was founded in ____
(A) 1832
(B) 1842
(C) 1852
(D) 1862
33. Profit is shared amongst members on the basis of member’s ____ in the business of the society.
(A) Participation
(B) Marketing
(C) Middlemen
(D) Interest
34. The grounds for cancellation of membership of a society member is ____
(A) Death
(B) Abandoning residence
(C) Bankruptcy
(D) All of these
35. The liquidator has to submit _____ progress report to the registrar in such form as the registrar may require.
(A) Weekly
(B) Fortnightly
(C) Monthly
(D) Quarterly
36. When the audit is made by an official auditor a fee of Rs.____ per day for the whole period of the audit shall be recovered from the society and credited to government.
(A) 500
(B) 1000
(C) 2000
(D) None of these
37. Agricultural credit societies cannot accept deposits which are not fixed for a period of at least
(A) One month
(B) Two months
(C) Three Months
(D) Six months
38. Indian cooperative movement was basically organized against the exploitation of unscrupulous money lenders to exonerate the farming community from the web of
(A) Poverty
(B) Indebtedness
(C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(D) None of them
39. Producers cooperative society was formed to help producers to procure
(A) Raw material
(B) Tools
(C) Equipment
(D) All of these
40. The first civil agricultural cooperatives were created in in the second half of ____ Nineteenth century.
(A) Europe
(B) Sub-continent
(D) None of these
41. Co-op city in New York is the largest cooperative housing development in world with ____ people
(A) 25000
(B) 55000
(C) 75000
(D) 95000
42. Headquarter of Hokuren Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives is in Sapporo,
(A) Japan
(B) France
(C) China
(D) Germany
43. According to cooperative economist the aim of a cooperative wholesale society is to arrange bulk purchases and organize production.
(A) Robert Owen
(B) George Galloway
(C) Jhon Struass
(D) Charles Gide
44. On or before 15th of each year ___ the committee of every society publish an annual balance sheet.
(A) June
(B) July
(C) August
(D) September
45. Credit societies were organised on the basis of two models
(A) One for rural areas and other for urban areas
(B) One for rural areas and other for periurban areas
(C) One for rural areas and other for remote areas
(D) One for rural areas and other for distant areas
46. Economic democracy is a ____ philosophy
(A) Social
(B) Economic
(C) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(D) None of these
47. Currently _____ is the second largest sector of the economy of Pakistan?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Manufacturing
(C) Services
(D) Energy
48. The Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 was enforced on
(A) 16th December, 1925
(B) 16th December, 1927
(C) 4th December, 1925
(D) 4th December, 1927
49. Professional managers do not prefer to work in cooperatives societies because they do not get adequate
(A) Capital
(B) Profit
(C) Dividend
(D) Remuneration
50. A “Resource Society” means a society formed with the objective of obtaining for its members
(A) The goods
(B) The services
(C) The credit
(D) All of these
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